News & Media

  • Expo Star of the Summer 2019, Rebecca – Las Vegas

    We have had an extremely hectic last 3 months, so our apologies that we have fallen behind in awarding our Expo Stars of the…

  • Why ‘Can I Scan Your Badge?’ is Pointless

    Are you relying on badge scanners to measure the success of your trade show? It can seem like a solid plan. If you can…

  • What’s It Like to Work With Expo Stars?

    Here at Expo Stars we get to work with some outstanding businesses. They are ambitious, want to achieve the most from their trade shows,…

  • International Exhibitions and ATA Carnets Event, 23 October 2019

    We’ve teamed up with Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce to host an event, providing insights and advice to companies that trade internationally on how…

  • Podcast: Top Tips to Generate More Leads at Your Next Exhibition

    We were recently invited by Tech Manchester to be on their fantastic FastForward podcast to share our advice to a business looking to generate…


    The UK’s largest event to meet white/private label goods suppliers. In recent years, there have been many different studies into the purchasing habits of…

  • How to Measure Exhibition Engagement

    At Expo Stars, we spend a lot of time shouting from the rooftops about how important engagement is. But how do you measure it? …

  • Expo Star(s) of the Month – June 2019

    What a great June we had here at Expo Stars, with so many super staff performances at events worldwide. We managed 36 events, including…

  • Expo Star(s) of the Month – May 2019

    For May 2019, the Expo Star of the Month award stretches a bit further afield and goes to our team in Athens – Otero,…

  • Expo Star(s) of the Month – April 2019

    We are delighted to announce that the award for April 2019’s Expo Star of the Month, goes to a team for their outstanding work…

  • The End is Nigh for Booth Babes

    Should modern trade shows include “booth babes”? We were recently asked to comment on this topic by the BBC.   Their report covered the controversy surrounding…

  • Expo Stars added to Keynote Line-up at The B2B Marketing Expo

    October 2nd/3rd marks one of the biggest and most exciting events in the Marketers calendar, the annual B2B Marketing Expo. Held at the awe-inspiring…