News & Media

  • Lessons from Exhibitor Live

    If you want game-changing ideas on how to improve your trade show performance, look no further. We recently attended Exhibitor Live in Las Vegas,…

  • Lessons from Exhibitor Live

    If you want game-changing ideas on how to improve your trade show performance, look no further. We recently attended Exhibitor Live in Las Vegas,…

  • Exploring the Power of iMA

    Have you ever clashed with a colleague while exhibiting at a trade show? Or felt like you’ve been misunderstood? This can happen when you’re…

  • 2019 Exhibition Predictions

    If you thought 2018 was an exciting year for trade shows, you’re in for a treat. 2019 is here and eruptions of progress are…

  • Maximise Your Trade Show ROI with Our Exhibition Engagement Calculator

    What’s not to love about a calculator? You gain correct answers to questions in seconds saving you buckets of time. This got us thinking:…

  • The Exhibition Performance Scorecard: Your Telescope for Luminous Exhibiting Insights

    What can you do to improve your trade show performance?  You might have already read lots on this. But how can you fix something…

  • Your Guide to Exhibiting in Dubai

    Dubai is an ultra-modern city brimming with lavish shopping malls, once-in-a-lifetime experiences and technological wonders. It’s also an incredible place to do business –…

  • A Minute on the Clock With John Blaskey

    Exhibiting can be a complex beast, especially when you’re a rookie. How do I get my stand noticed? Attract prospects? Capture as many leads…

  • 7 Ways to Avoid Bad Trade Show Etiquette

    It’s a fact: we’re human. Sometimes we do the wrong thing. What’s worth ruminating over? Bad behaviour from your trade show team that you…

  • The 5 E’s of Face-to-Face Engagement

    You could have a salsa-dancing robot on display during an exhibition to wow your visitors. But will that alone guarantee success? What you really…

  • Face to Face Marketing: An Industry Behind the Times?

    The Presidents Club. ICE Totally Gaming. Mipim. These events have all hit the headlines for the wrong reasons. Namely young, pretty women in short…

  • Your Guide to Exhibiting in Germany

    Exhibiting at overseas trade shows has the potential to open up a whole new market for your business. Make the most of the exhibition…