Our event photography expert, Emily Ford, of The Photo Team, gives her advice.
There’s a lot that goes into making an event or trade show a success. Along with the multitude of other factors you need to consider, your event photography should also be carefully planned. Not only do you need to think about finding the right photographer for the show, but you also need to think about what to do with the photos once you have them. It may also be that you need to make the most of your camera if you’re the one taking the pictures. We look at four ways you can effectively use your event photography post-show.
Make sure to use your event photographs effectively. Source: thephototeam.co.uk
Send Out Thank yous
Once your exhibition is over, you will have a lot of post-show business to attend to. Along with the usual debrief, you’ll also want to send out some thank you notes to the people who made it possible. If you can include some pictures that demonstrate how good the event was, or how helpful they were, it will go a long way in showing your appreciation.
Use Social Media
Once you’ve received your images from the photographer (or finished editing them), it’s time to get them to start working for you. Your company social media pages are a great way to show off how successful the event was. Try to utilise any Twitter hashtags that are involved with the show, and send out links to anyone who was involved.
Don’t Forget Print Channels
Print media is far from dead and can be utilised to spread the word about your event. Many businesses have a corporate magazine, and these are ideal for printing your pictures. Include some positive outcomes or interviews from attendees to create a real buzz.
Remember Them For Next Year
Make sure you properly catalogue and store your photos. That way, you can use them as advertising material for the next event. Nothing is quite as effective at attracting attendees as the memory of how fantastic the previous event was.