Expo Star of the Month – November 2012

Posted 03/12/2012
Expo  Star of the Month – November 2012

We are delighted to announce Victoria, one of our interpreters from Shanghai as the Expo Star of the Month for November 2012!

What Makes Star Brand Ambassadors and Interpreters?

Victoria is one of our professional Brand Ambassadors and Interpreters based in Shanghai, with a broad experience in Sales and Marketing, working in trade shows, conferences and corporate events. She speaks Russian, English and Chinese and has an educational background in International Relations and Business.

Victoria was selected to work as a Brand Ambassador at CITM 2012 in Shanghai, the China International Travel Mart Exhibition.  Her broad understanding of the trade show and corporate environment, language and communication skills, as well as her  previous experience as a lead generator, have helped Victoria to contribute to our clients success at CITM. For her brilliant results and contribution at the event, she has been rightly selected as our Expo Stars of the month for November 2012.

Congratulations, Victoria and we look forward to working with you again very soon.

Client’s Feedback About Our Interpreters

Thank you very much for giving us Victoria, She was just fantastic ! 

To book Victoria  or one of our other interpreters for your next event in Shanghai or Beijing, click here:


Posted 03/12/2012